Tuesday, January 25, 2011

iSendr: On demand, peer-to-peer file sharing, no cloud required.

If youve not yet fallen in love with how easy it is to transfer files with services such as Ge.tt, Rapidshare and the like, then youve missed out on one of thequintessentialparts of having near-constant Internet in our world. While it will be hard for us to break away from our Dropbox for personal storage and occasional sharing, theres something to be said for services that toss a file into the cloud and keep it there without penalizing you for storage space.

Theres something else to be said for a service that completely bypasses the cloud entirely. iSendr is exactly that application. Based on peer-to-peer networking, iSendr allows you to share files up to 2 GB in size, without the need to store it in the cloud. Why do you care? Because not everyone wants to store things for long periods or hold sensitive information in the cloud.

The site provides a few options, but very few. You can choose to send directly to a single person, or you can choose to share with a group. You can password protect your files andthats about all. To send a file thats 500 MB or less, you dont even have to sign up. If you want to go higher than that, youll need to create a free account.

The part that we love about it is that disposable term. Once your file is done sending, the network is disbanded and there is no trace left to be found. iSendr simply acts as the peer matching service, but the data is not transferred over nor stored on its servers.

Its a unique twist, and one that youll likely find a use ! for at s ome time or another. While we wont be abandoning our cloud-based resources just yet, but well take another option for sure.

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